
Parish Safeguarding Dashboard

were designed with the help of Parish Safeguarding Officers and incumbents in a wide range of parishes (both large and small).  They are now being used by 7,000 parishes across the Church of England, and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

The dashboard is really easy to use on a smartphone, tablet or computer.  Green lights give you the assurance that you are complying with the Parish Safeguarding Handbook.  Amber and red lights highlight any outstanding actions.  It will even produce an Action Plan for discussion and approval by the PCC (which has been a requirement since 2017).

Most people find that they can intuitively use the dashboard without any instructions.  However, if you want a demonstration, please .

Our Diocesan Board of Finance has invested in Safeguarding Dashboards to make safeguarding easier for you.  We strongly commend them to you. 

Please  in the Parish Dashboard. We will then send out the relevant invitations.

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Page last updated: Friday 6th September 2024 11:25 AM
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