Running a is an excellent way to encourage generosity. This usually takes place over 2 or 3 weeks and is launched with an Opening Sunday to introduce the theme of Generosity and Generous Giving - you may like to invite your Generous Giving Advisor to preach at this service. A Giving Programme invites you to explore generosity through worship and to reflect prayerfully, individually and as a whole church, about further encouraging generosity in all that you do. Giving Programmes culminate in a time to give thanks with a Thanksgiving Sunday.
Our Generous Giving Advisor is able to guide you through the process of planning and facilitating your programme and is 兔子先生 for preaching.
Every Giving Programme will be different to best meet the needs of each parish and will be planned in collaboration with a small group from the church. Please contact the Generous Giving Adviser for more information.