

We’re often asked to provide details of approved contractors. In fact, no such lists exist. The only services which need to be procured from a professional on an approved list are those of your inspecting architect. In all other cases, the contractor is chosen by the PCC. Just occasionally, we will provide shortlists of contractors for highly specialised work, such as the conservation of artefacts and artworks, but the choice ultimately rests with you as the client.

Advice from the Care of Churches Office on contractors is always given without any presumption of liability or prejudice. That is to say, if you are not happy with the services that are eventually procured, the Care of Churches office cannot be held responsible. Equally, procuring services from a contractor whose details are supplied by us does not constitute a guarantee that any subsequent application for formal permission to allow them to proceed will automatically be granted.

Please note that any legally binding contract is made between the PCC and the contractor concerned. It is not made with the Diocese. Please read very carefully any contracts into which you enter and ensure that you have understood all the terms and conditions. These are especially important when it comes to reporting faults and settling disputes. The Diocese cannot settle disputes for you. We are often asked whether it is necessary to obtain quotes from three different contractors in order to obtain a faculty. In fact, no such requirement exists. Incidentally, that is not why three spaces are provided for details of contractors in the faculty application form. We do recommend approaching several providers for quotes, but this is to ensure that you are getting value for money. Churchwardens are effectively acting as trustees of a charity and so have a responsibility to disburse its funds wisely. That said, if you are funding the work using money from a grant-giving organisation such as the , then, depending on the size of the grant, you may need to hold a competitive tendering process. Please check with the grant-giver whether that applies.

Page last updated: Wednesday 10th April 2024 10:01 AM
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