
Our Direction

Our Vision 

Changed Lives → Changing Lives

At the heart of all we do is a vision of transformation for ourselves and our communities: no one can encounter God and remain unchanged.

By God’s grace we want to be a people who are...

  • confident & creative disciples of Jesus Christ,
  • rooted in scripture & drenched in prayer,
  • living gratefully, giving generously, caring for creation & sharing the gospel,
  • growing in number & expectations – of God & ourselves,
  • motivated by justice & love, open to the Spirit & ready for adventure!

Therefore we will...

'Therefore we will...' is a recognition that words without actions are empty. It is a commitment to taking real steps now to make this vision a reality soon. The current actions that flow from this vision - both at a diocesan level and in our deaneries - are outlined in detail in the document below. Of course, these actions will change and develop over time - and we would encourage our parishes to consider this vision carefully for themselves, to explore together what actions they will commit to take, what their local 'Therefore we will...' might look like.

3 bold outcomes

Our diocese has been on a journey of listening and discerning to arrive at our vision and strategy, which is distilled into 3 bold outcomes for 2030:

  1. Double the number of children and young disciples
  2. 200 new Christian communities
  3. Every parish, benefice and deanery showing signs of revitalisation.
Page last updated: Thursday 25th January 2024 4:50 PM
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