
Vaccines offer us a path through the pandemic

First published on: 23rd January 2021

Dear sisters and brothers, 

When you are offered the opportunity to get your COVID vaccination, I want you to take it.

These vaccines offer us a path through the pandemic, giving us hope, strength and the chance of safety. We have many hills to climb, but it will be so much worse if we do not accept this gift.

We know that Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities and the elderly have suffered the most at the hands of this cruel virus. But this vaccine, this is hope. This is your chance to show care for yourself and for your neighbour, an opportunity for us all to come together as one and stand up to this pandemic.

There are voices of fear creeping though our communities, spreading doubt and spreading alarm. COVID-19 has robbed us of so much these past months, and it is natural to be cautious. But don’t let those voices rob you of your opportunity to protect yourself and others from the virus. If you do have worries, then please call a friend, speak to your vicar or GP and talk through those concerns.

A vaccination shows your love - love for those around you, your community, your family and yourself. Protecting ourselves and our future means we will flourish and we will once again be able to sing together, laugh together, live life together.

With every blessing

Bishop Rose

The Rt Revd Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Bishop of Dover

Page last updated: Monday 5th July 2021 11:16 AM
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