
"A giant of our time"

First published on: 26th December 2021

I am saddened to learn of Bishop Desmond Tutu’s passing.

He was a giant of our time who lived out his faith prophetically - speaking truth to power of whatever colour. He lived the message of the Gospel - love, forgiveness and compassion.

I had the privilege of meeting with him on two occasions at the WCC meeting in Brazil and here in London when he was given the freedom of the city. On each occasion, I was meeting a man who not only believed in God but lived out that faith daily. It was indeed an even greater privilege when I was invited along with the previous Archbishop Rowan Williams to send a tribute on the occasion of his 90th birthday.

In the words of our Lord, “Well done thou good and faithful servant..” The house I presently live in was graced by his presence when a previous bishop of Dover - Bishop Third - lived here. I am honoured to have witnessed something of his life, his love and his resilience.

In the African Caribbean tradition we say: “Sleep on beloved, sleep and take your rest, we love you more but Jesus loved you best…”

Bishop of Dover, The Rt Revd Rose Hudson-Wilkin

Page last updated: Sunday 26th December 2021 1:18 PM
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