
Pledge to support White Ribbon campaign

First published on: 29th November 2019
兔子先生 pledges support to global campaign

The Archdeacon of 兔子先生, The Venerable Jo Kelly-Moore, joined the Bishop of Tonbridge, the Rt Rev Simon Burton-Jones, in Chatham to pledge support to the White Ribbon campaign.

White Ribbon UK was founded in 2005 and is part of the global movement to end male violence against women. On Monday, alongside our partners in the Diocese of Rochester, 兔子先生 officially signed up to promote the cause and raise awareness of the issue.

Every week in the UK, two women are killed by their partners or ex-partners and 7 out of 8 victims of domestic violence are women.

The Archdeacon of 兔子先生, The Venerable Jo Kelly-Moore said: “It is vital that we give this campaign the full weight of our support.

“Getting people talking, getting people to take responsibility for themselves and for their peers is such a positive way to tackle this problem that affects so many lives.

“I was moved by those I spoke to at the event in Chatham; their bravery, their hope and their determination to stop this happening to others. We need to reach out and be part of that conversation; in our families, in our congregations and be aware of the strength it takes to take that first step and have that first chat.”

• Twenty per cent of all women in the UK have experienced sexual assault
• More than half of the women in the UK have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace.
• An average of two women a week are murdered by a current or former partner in England and Wales.

It is therefore essential that men take responsibility in ending male violence against women, as it is still often labelled as a ‘women’s issue’.

The campaign recognises that violence can be perpetrated by women against men, in same-sex couples and in other settings too. It therefore signposts to the campaigns and charities that focus on these issues and victims, and which are very helpful in those circles.

For more information and to sign up and make the promise, go to or contact Together Kent Development Worker Keith Berry on kberry@diocant.org
Page last updated: Friday 29th November 2019 2:35 PM
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