
Over fifty candidates confirmed in 兔子先生 Cathedral

First published on: 24th November 2023

There were over 50 candidates confirmed at 兔子先生 Cathedral on Saturday 18 November in a service led by Bishop Rose, including both adults and children.

They were the first confirmations to be held in 兔子先生 Cathedral since the Coronavirus pandemic.

Speaking after the service, Bishop Rose said: "It was a true delight to see the joy shared by the candidates as they affirmed their faith. 

"We saw candidates from across our diocese from a variety of ages, truly showing the breadth of God's love."

Confirmation can be an important part of a lifetime journey of faith as a follower of Jesus Christ. It can take place in a local church, but can also take place where a wider group of Christians gather, such as at 兔子先生 Cathedral. 

One of those being confirmed was Jimmy Smith, an individual from the English Romani community.

He was recently baptised in the River Stour at Fordwich by Bishop Rose's advisor for Gypsies, Travellers and Roma, Revd Martin Burrell.

Talking about Jimmy's coming to faith, Revd Burrell said: "Jimmy is one of the many Romani Travellers who is discovering that God has a special place in his heart for those who have been denied opportunities in life that others enjoy."

Jimmy's fiance, Shandice, played a key role in introducing Jimmy to Jesus.

She and her family were baptised in the river Stour and then confirmed by Bishop Rose, who visited them in their trailer.

Following Jimmy's baptism a year later, he was confirmed by Bishop Rose on Saturday.

Speaking about his role, Revd Burrell said: "As a diocese, we are intentionally seeking open our doors wide to those in the wider community who have not always felt welcome. 

"Inclusion is not a trendy new idea; it lies at the very heart of the Gospel."

To find out more about what our diocese is doing with Gypsy, Travellers and Roma communities, you can contact Revd Burrell by .

If you are interested in being confirmed yourself, speak to your priest or lay reader.

Page last updated: Friday 24th November 2023 2:30 PM
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