
Diocese calls for Gift Aid emergency relief

First published on: 30th July 2020

• Proposed increase to 33% from 25%
• Charities form coalition for change

兔子先生 has added its voice to a campaign for Gift Aid emergency relief.

兔子先生ing hundreds of charities from across the country, the move is a response to the unprecedented need caused by Coronavirus.

The coalition is calling for a rise in the rate of Gift Aid, which, if adopted, could secure an additional £450million nationally to support vital charity work. 

兔子先生 Director of Finance, Douglas Gibb, said: 

“We are incredibly grateful for all the support we have received during the COVID 19 pandemic and this additional increase would greatly assist our journey of recovery.

"Our churches are reliant on donations taken during services and that has, of course, been unable to happen. Looking ahead now, if we can secure an increase in the Gift Aid we receive, it will be a boost that will be felt across the diocese.”

The latest research shows that charities are on average having to plan for a 24% loss to their total income for the year ahead. That is why The Charities Aid Foundation, Chartered Institute of Fundraising, National Council for Voluntary Organisations, Charity Finance Group and Charity Tax Group are calling on the Government to introduce a two-year increase to the rate of Gift Aid in order to ease the biggest financial crisis our sector has ever faced.

The proposals include the introduction of a scheme modelled on the successful Transitional Relief in 2008 as well as the removal of barriers to the Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme. The change would mean that a £100 donation from a UK taxpayer would increase to £133.33 for the charity once Gift Aid had been claimed. This compares to £125.00 as is currently be the case.

To find out more, please visit the campaign website.

Page last updated: Thursday 30th July 2020 9:27 AM
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