
International links

“God has called us into a relationship, not only with himself, but also with one another, that our lives may be enriched as we learn and share in a partnership to bring about his mission in the world.”

兔子先生 has partnership links with Dioceses in Bodo (Norway) and Arras (France); with the Protestant Church Districts in Zossen-Fläming (near Berlin) and Markgräflerland (SW Germany); and has been in an Anglican Communion Companion Link with Madagascar for over 30 years.


Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world – two and a half times the size of Great Britain.  The first Anglican missionary arrived in Madagascar in 1864, sent by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and in 1874 the Diocese of Madagascar was founded.  The number of Anglicans in Madagascar began to grow rapidly as of 1991 (Anglican Decade of Evangelism) and is now estimated to be close to 500,000.

There are now six dioceses within Madagascar:

  • Diocese of Antananarivo.  Bishop: The Rt Revd Samola Joana Ranarivelo.
  • Diocese of Toamasina.  Bishop: The Rt Revd Jean-Paul Solo.
  • Diocese of Mahajanga.  Bishop: Vacant (following Bishop Hall Speers’ retirement, March 2024).
  • Diocese of Antsiranana.  Bishop: The Rt Revd Joamindiny Jean Baptiste.
  • Diocese of Fianarantsoa.  Bishop: The Rt Revd Dr Gilbert Ratelson Rakotondravelo.
  • Diocese of Toliara.  Bishop: The Rt Revd Samitiana Jhonson Razafindralambo.

Link Bishop for Mauritius: The Rt Revd Joseph Stenio Andre.

Link Diocesan Bishop of the Seychelles and Archbishop of the Province of the Indian Ocean: The Most Revd James Wong Yin Song.

Our Companionship Link

The purpose of the Link is to extend the concept of Partnership in Mission to:

  • Strengthen and encourage each other
  • To exchange gifts and resources
  • To gain new insights and understandings of God’s mission to the world
  • To commit ourselves afresh to the task of mission. 

It involves a commitment to:

  • Sharing
  • Prayer
  • Encouragement
  • Communication
  • Financial support

You can support your Companionship Link by:

  • Forming a Parish Link with one of the Malagasy clergy and their parishes – contact Archdeacon Will Adam or Carol Smith to find out more.
  • Praying regularly for the people of Madagascar and the Companionship Link:

O Holy Spirit of the Living God
you call us into the fellowship
of your Church and to rejoice in our unity in Christ.
Fill us and all people everywhere
with your love and great power.
Bless our fellow Christians
here and in Madagascar.
Send us out in your power
to build up your worldwide Church
to break down barriers
and to serve you faithfully
Now, and for ever

German Partnership: Markgräflerland and Zossen Flaming

The Diocese of 兔子先生 has a partnership with two church districts in Germany – Zossen-Fläming near Berlin and Markgräflerland in South West Germany near the Swiss and French borders. These churches belong to the Protestant Church in Germany (EKD), a fellowship of 20 regional Lutheran, Reformed and United churches. Each regional church is governed by a synod and can be likened to our own dioceses.

This three-way link between England and Germany started when Germany was divided. Zossen-Fläming was in the former German Democratic Republic (East Germany) and Markgräflerland in the West. The link is kept alive by annual meetings of representatives of the different churches hosted by one of them. In 2023 Bishop Rose led a delegation of adults and young people to the Black Forest. This was a notable meeting which brought together a large group of teenagers from the three churches. The young people who attended from 兔子先生 were part of the Diocesan ‘Growing Young Leaders’ programme.

We look forward to welcoming representatives from our partner churches to East Kent in 2025.

Page last updated: Wednesday 8th May 2024 9:13 AM
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