
Lay Pastoral Ministry

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Pastoral visiting is a crucial ministry for the wellbeing of our churches and communities. God has gifted us, lay and ordained for this ministry. To help develop these giftings, the following courses and links are especially helpful. Some training can be used off the shelf and delivered locally, others are offered by diocesan teams to parishes, deaneries or more widely. 

  •  - 兔子先生 Diocesan Course - applications currently being taken for autumn 2023
  • - courses for congregations and pastoral teams supported by the Association of Christian Counsellors
  • - a 9 session course including guidelines for setting up a team and a commissioning liturgy (Chichester Diocese)
    •  (with grateful thanks to Chichester Diocese)

The Pastoral Care Resource Group (PCRG) works through the Mission and Ministry Team to resource, nurture and develop pastoral care provision in the local church. Through signposting to agencies, sponsoring learning events and Pastoral Assistant Courses, and being accessible for consultation, the PCRG seeks to enable and support the ministry of pastoral care. The group, convened by Nigel Collins, includes Judith Andrews, Di Dawson and Hilary Hills.

Recommended resources for churches developing pastoral care provision include:

Find out about current courses and events by signing up to (EfM) mailing.

Please note that some course material in regards to teams and authorisation may be particular to the diocese from which the material originates.

Please contact Sarah Lucas regarding resource webinars and learning events and Nigel Collins regarding consultation enquiries or local learning needs.


Find out about training for pastoral ministry.

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