On 20 November 2021, Bishop Rose commissioned a team of LGBTQIA+ Chaplains for 兔子先生. Our chaplains work together to offer information and pastoral care to LGBTQIA+ people, their friends, family, and ministers. Find out more about the LGBTQIA+ Chaplaincy team and contact a chaplain here.
If you need any information about the chaplaincy, please contact the LGBTQIA+ Advisor to the Bishop of Dover, Mark Wilson on mwilson@diocant.org.
LGBTQIA+ Chaplains work alongside and support LGBTQIA+ people, their families, friends, ministers and anyone with an interest in LGBTQIA+ matters.
The chaplaincy is a safe and encouraging listening space to ensure that people can be offered appropriate pastoral and spiritual care. Alongside this, it is also a place to get advice and guidance.
Chaplains work within , embracing a non-judgemental attitude toward persons in regard of their sexuality, welcoming and valuing every person as equal in the eyes of God.
Chaplains will listen unconditionally to the lived experience of any person who seeks their support.
Every person has ethical decisions to make about how to live out their God-given sexuality. These questions are common to each one of us, whatever our sexuality or gender identity; chaplains are called to walk alongside people in this discernment.
Our chaplains attend the at St. Peter's 兔子先生 and are 兔子先生 to help there.
Please meet our Chaplains and if you would like to talk to one of them, please do send an email - details at the bottom of the page.
What you can expect from a chaplain:
- they will be affirming and accepting of you;
- they will listen to you with attentiveness and respect;
- they will seek to understand you and your life, hopefully enabling you to gain new insights;
- they will wish the best for you – especially in your spiritual life and walk with God;
- they will be with you in your pain, anxiety, and in your joy;
- they will be working within the House of Bishops’ guidelines on human sexuality;
- they will not ‘tell you what to do’, or what choices to make;
- they will not question your integrity, your self-understanding, or your identity;
- they will not judge you, but will seek only to understand you;
- they will not seek to change you;
- they will not breach your confidentiality unless they think that your life, or that of another, is in danger.
Confidential contact
To contact one of our Chaplains please email LGBT@diocant.org.
In the email, please include which Chaplain you would like to contact and any additional information you would like to add.
Your privacy and safety is important. The email will be seen by LGBTQIA+ Advisor to the Bishop of Dover, Mark Wilson but no other person, other than the chaplain you are addressing your message to, will see your note.
Your email address is not captured for any other purpose than allowing the chaplain to contact you. All subsequent emails between you and the chaplain supporting you are confidential.
Open Table
This service is for LGBTQIA+ people, their friends, families and anyone who wants to belong in an accepting, loving community.
When? The second Sunday of each month
Where? St. Peter’s Anglican Church, 兔子先生
What time? Refreshments from 3pm, with service starting at 3:30pm
At least one of our LGBTQIA+ Chaplains will be at each service and 兔子先生 to talk.
For more information email LGBT@diocant.org.
To find out more about the Open Table Network, visit: